Disclosure Policy
Basic Policy
The MJC Group is committed to helping all its stakeholders, including customers, shareholders/investors, and local communities deepen their understanding of the Group and to correctly evaluate MJC's corporate value. Accordingly, on the basis of transparency, fairness, and continuity, MJC complies with Japan's Financial Instruments and Exchange Act as well as laws and regulations stipulated by the stock exchange, and strives to disclose company information related to its business activities in a fair, timely, and appropriate manner.
- Means of Information Disclosure
Disclosures of information subject to the Timely Disclosure Rules are registered and provided through the Tokyo Stock Exchange's (TSE) Timely Disclosure network (TDnet) after prior notice has been given to the TSE. After making the disclosure through TDnet, we quickly provide the same information to the news media and also post it on our website. However, the posting of this information to our website is sometimes delayed due to system circumstances. With respect to other information that is not subject to the Timely Disclosure Rules, we actively disclose in a fair/impartial and timely manner that information that we judge would be effective in facilitating an understanding of MJC's position. Please note that there are situations where we cannot reply to inquiries concerning specific information due to competitive advantage or a duty of confidentiality.
- Earnings Forecasts and Forward-Looking Statements
With the exception of past and present facts, the MJC's plans, future outlook, and strategies are plans and forward-looking statements regarding future business performance. These are based on judgments of currently obtainable information. Accordingly, actual future business performance could differ due to such factors as various risks, fluctuations in uncertainties, and changes in the economic climate.
- Spokespersons in IR Activities
In order to ensure the accuracy of information and the fairness of disclosures, the president, the director in charge of IR, and IR personnel act as spokespersons in the main IR activities conducted by MJC. In principle, employees and officers who are not spokespersons will not provide company information by themselves to persons concerned with the securities market or the mass media. Also, spokespersons may appoint another employee or officer to serve as a proxy where necessary.
- Silent Period
The MJC Group treats the period from the day after an accounting term closes until the day financial statements are announced as a silent period, in order to prevent the leakage of financial closing information and to ensure fairness. During this period, MJC will refrain from answering questions or giving comments about financial results. However, in cases where the possibility arises during the silent period that business performance could deviate significantly from the already announced forecast, an appropriate disclosure will be made in accordance with the Timely Disclosure Rules. Please note that even during the silent period, MJC will respond to questions within the scope of already released information.
- Compliance with the Disclosure Policy
Also in the interests of corporate social responsibility (CSR), the MJC Group familiarizes all the Group's officers and employees with the above disclosure policy and makes sure to comply with it.