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These are the products and services that MJC provides.

  • Products
  • Service
  • Semiconductor Products
  • FPD related products

Tests and solutions designed to meet all your needs

MJC provides a variety of solutions and products, such as probe cards, testers, wafer probers, and test sockets, all to contribute toward improving productivity and quality in semiconductor design and manufacturing.

FPD testing devices that increase productivity and quality

The high reliability and stability of MJC's probe units contribute to increasing product quality of various FPDs whilst contributing to reducing the cost of testing.


See below for our PRODUCT CATALOG.

Global Quality Customer Engineer Support

In order to support our customers' consistent production, MJC has locations around the world, all providing the same high quality of support services. Our staff at each location work closely with our customers, sharing information and proposing better solutions to improve production and efficiency.

We provide repair and maintenance services to ensure continued safe use of our products.

Eligible products: Probe cards, test sockets, semiconductor test equipment, wafer probers, probe units

List of Repair and Maintenance Services

For more information about our services, please use the inquiry form for each respective product from the list below.

  • Maintenance InspectionsRegular maintenance and inspections to prevent issues from arising
  • RepairsFault identification, repair, restoration, overhauling, cleaning
  • ModificationsSpecification customizations such as measurement process modification, addition of safety features, etc.
  • Installation and RelocationDismantling of equipment, transportation, start-up support, etc.
  • Technical SupportGuidance on operation, etc.
  • Sales of accessories and add-on options

Inquiries about each product

Product specification changes
and discontinued products

Contact Us

Contact us for any support or queries you may have about our products.

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